The Surprising Reason You Should Ditch the Ribbon on Your Luggage
If you’re like many travelers, you’ve probably resorted to tying a colorful ribbon or attaching a distinctive tag to your luggage to make it easier to spot on the baggage carousel. However, a seasoned baggage handler from Dublin Airport is warning travelers that this common practice could actually cause more harm than good.
According to John, the baggage handler, ribbons tied to luggage can interfere with the automated baggage systems used in airports. These systems rely on scanners to quickly and efficiently process bags, but ribbons can get in the way, causing delays or even leading to manual processing. This can be a nightmare for travelers, especially those with tight connections or limited time to spare.
But ribbons aren’t the only thing you should avoid when packing your luggage. John also advises against packing marzipan or other items with similar densities to explosives. These items can trigger security checks, leading to time-consuming searches and added stress.
So, what can you do instead? Consider opting for a suitcase in a bold, distinctive color or personalizing it with stickers, fabric paint, or unique designs. These scanner-friendly methods make your luggage easy to spot without risking delays or causing unnecessary panic.
By following these simple tips, you can ensure a smoother journey through the airport and increase the chances of your bag arriving on time at your destination. So, the next time you’re packing your luggage, remember to ditch the ribbon and opt for a more practical and scanner-friendly solution.